Shweta Rohira, the ex-wife of Bollywood actor Pulkit Samrat, recently took to Instagram to share news of her car accident, revealing her injuries and expressing optimism for a swift recovery. In her post, Shweta shared a photo of herself on a hospital bed, showcasing a bandage above her lips, along with visible fractures on her hand and leg.
Pulkit Samrat’s ex-wife Shweta Rohita met with a car accident
In her heartfelt caption, Shweta Rohita recounted the unexpected turn her life took after the car accident. She wrote, “Life is full of surprises, isn’t it? One moment, you’re humming #kalhonaho and planning to tackle your day. The next moment, life decides to say, ‘Hold my chai,’ and sends a bike your way. For no fault of mine, I found myself going from walking to flying (not the Bollywood slow-mo kind, sadly) and landing straight into a forced rest mode.”
Shweta reflected on her injuries, saying, “Fractured bones, bruises, and endless hours in bed—this wasn’t in my to-do list. But hey, maybe the universe thought I needed a lesson in patience or just wanted me to star in my own mini-soap opera, complete with hospital drama.” She emphasized that while the experience is painful, it is merely a chapter in her life, stating, “Sometimes life shakes us to break us, only to rebuild us stronger.”
Shweta is determined to recover
Shweta expressed her determination to recover, stating, “So here I am—living with faith, holding on to hope, smiling through the pain (okay, trying to), and reminding myself that this too shall pass. Life throws curveballs, but as they say in the movies, ‘Picture abhi baaki hai, mere dost.’ To anyone going through tough times, remember: surrender to the moment, take it one day at a time, and trust the process. Pain is temporary, but resilience is forever. P.S.: I might look like Humpty Dumpty in this hospital bed, but I promise to come back stronger—and maybe with a new song to hum!”
Support from Fellow Celebrities
Following her post, numerous celebrities extended their well wishes for Shweta’s recovery. Shraddha Arya expressed her concern, saying, “Oh God, what even happened??? Uff.. get well soon babe!!!!” Darshan Kumaar added, “Oh God! Wishing you a very speedy recovery.” Other stars, including Neil Nitin Mukesh, Divya Agarwal, and Sonu Nigam, also sent their best wishes, showing support for Shweta during this challenging time.